Tuesday, 5 February 2013

First meeting with Linda Hoy

So guys I took a lot of notes when Linda Hoy came in so I thought as back up its best to have them on here so we can see. If i have forgotten anything then comment and added it so I can see it too.

- Writes fiction for younger people 1981-Horror, serious novels-Used to be a teacher-Time curved not in a straight line-The Effect book is published by O-books-book fell in many categories - Various target audience- no obvious target audience- people wont read the book if they don't know what its about- social media and the internet needs a lot of improvement and not enough has been done to publisize her book.- no-one visits website if they have not read the book- have got face book and twitter pages for the book but not for linda hoy- flyers business cards have been done- want to keep the images of the book cover- page on the net for people to share the weird things that have happened to them when they have read the book- target student that with partially courses that the book may help them- press release- o book website bad use of images- wacky and surreal - Alice And Wonderland staute in New York- Boulby Mine (wiki)- selling books from her own website- Advertisements

Emil:- Theeffectbook@gmail.com

Hope this all helps!

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