Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Idea's Based on meeting with Linda

After speaking with Linda last Monday we found as a group that she was really interested in the interactive book idea I proposed to her.

The basic outline of my idea was that a short section of the book could be transformed into a interactive audio and visual experience. Visual and audio elements will support the extracted text along with a narration of the text. The reader could then interact with the visual elements before moving on to the next section.  Within the illustrated scenes the user could discover extras, such as Linda's original imagery for the book or even an interview. At the conclusion of the interactive experience a message would invite the reader to continue exploring the unknown and provide a link to Linda's website to purchase the book.

Both Linda and her Project Manager stated that they haven't really explored ways of promoting the book online other than the website. I think that this is key to promoting Linda's book. There are so many ways to promote the book through interactive media. I think the interactive experience of the book will entice people and then make them want to continue reading thus prompting them to purchase the book.

Linda was very clear that she would like the 'Dimension Hoping Goldfish' to remain the 'Mascot' of the book. I think it is very important that we implement this into any final output we create. Within the interactive reading experience idea the fish could lead the reader between sections of the book and could even be am 'Easter egg' and when clicked on gives the reader extra information about the book.

As you can see to the left there are my first initial design ideas for the interactive experience to give you more of an idea of my concept, including the goldfish.

This is my main concept idea an I look forward to discussing ideas into tomorrow's meeting.

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